Wednesday, 29 December 2010

KERS HONDA: 60 KW, 21.000 giri/min, < 7 Kg

Durante l’EXPO dei veicoli elettrici a Shangai all’inizio del mese di Dicembre, gli ingegneri della Honda hanno presentato il progetto di un motore elettrico ad alte prestazioni che avevano realizzato come parte integrante del sistema KERS destinato al campionato mondiale 2009 di Formula1.

Il KERS (Sistema di recupero dell’energia cinetica) è un dispositivo che permette, all’occorrenza, un aumento di potenza di 60 KW(80 Cv) per 6,7 s al giro. Il KERS elettrico ha lo scopo di produrre energia mediante un moto alternatore elettrico; la trasformazione dell’energia cinetica in elettrica avviene quando il pilota aziona il pedale del freno a determinate pressioni, tarate in precedenza e gestite dalla centralina.

A seconda del design della pista, l’uso del KERS può aumentare l’accelerazione del veicolo fino a 15 km/h con un guadagno di circa 20 m sul singolo giro. Tuttavia, per introdurre il KERS bisogna progettare la monoposto in modo che non ci siano particolari alterazioni nel campo aerodinamico, del peso totale, della capacità del serbatoio, del centro di gravità, della distribuzione dei pesi e della sicurezza nel caso di eventuali collisioni.

Tenendo conto di tutto questo, gli ingegneri della Honda avevano deciso di realizzare un sistema KERS implementando un motore elettrico + una seria di batterie piuttosto che una soluzione meccanica a volano. Avevano deciso di installare il tutto all’interno di un telaio monoscocca, il motore elettrico davanti a quello endotermico e l’unità di controllo della Potenza PCU sul lato anteriore sinistro della monoposto (vedi disegno 1).

Il motore elettrico, doveva venire raffreddato con olio motore mentre il PCU veniva raffreddato con un circuito di raffreddamento dedicato. La batteria al litio (106 celle agli ioni di litio) doveva venire installata nella parte anteriore della monoposto (sotto il sedile del pilota) per preservare il centro di gravità più basso possibile e per raffreddare ad aria le batterie grazie ad un apposita fessura sul telaio della monoposto.

Dato il peso di 620 Kg di una monoposto di Formula 1 e il suo design estremamente compatto, la Honda ha calcolato che il motore elettrico avrebbe dovuto essere non più di 100 cm di diametro, 200 cm di lunghezza e produrre circa 8 KW per Kg del peso del motore. Per fare un esempio, i motori ibridi o elettrici, attualmente installati presso le auto di serie, producono da 1 a 2,5 KW per Kg.

STATORE: trifase, 4 poli, disegno a 12 denti con un doppio statore avvolto da spire e un rotore a magneti permanenti. La velocità di funzionamento del motore elettrico dovrebbe essere più o meno simile a quella del motore endotermico (range dai 13.000 – 21.000 giri/m) cge è stata limitata a 18.00 g/m durante la stagione 2009 di Formula 1.Una preoccupazione iniziale, data in particolare dall’elevata velocità del motore, è stata la notevole perdita di ferro nel nucleo dello statore che in genere è il componente più pesante di un motore elettrico. Per ovviare a questo problema, per produrre il nucleo dello statore sono state usate delle leghe di ferro e di cobalto pesante. Questo ha permesso un aumento del 30% della densità del nucleo dello statore ed ha permesso un aumento del 15% nella coppia del motore.

Grazie a particolari tecnologie chimiche e di costruzione dei componenti si è potuto ridurre le perdite di ferro nel nucleo dello statore del 60 %. Anche se la Honda non ha rilasciato nessun dettaglio sulla tecnologia di controllo del motore, si può dedurre che la frequenza massima della corrente di un motore che gira a 21.00 giri/m con 4 poli (si ipotizza egual numero di poli sia sul rotore che sullo statore), sia di circa 700 Hz. Gli impulsi elettronici che controllano un motore di questo tipo devono essere estremamente veloci.

Honda ha sviluppato un magnete ad alta coercività con una coercività intrinseca di circa 1,1 Ma/m a 160°C e messo a punto gli angoli di magnetizzazione per avere una coppia massima molto elevata. Sono stati usati, nel rotore, 448 magneti per cercare di ridurre al minimo l’aumento della temperatura con la conseguente perdita delle correnti parassite. Il diametro del rotore è stato ridotto con l’impiego dell’albero rotore come parte del circuito di flusso del rotore. È stato usato, inoltre, un filo di avvolgimento ad alta resistenza, composto da fibre organiche per avvolgere il rotore impedendo scoppi del rotore a causa della forza centrifuga prodotta a 21.00 giri/min.

I cuscinetti a sfere del rotore, fatti di ceramica, vengono lubrificati con grasso resistente alle alte temperature invece che con l’olio. Tutto questo è stato pensato per semplificare al massimo il circuito dell’olio e per ridurre le perdite.

All’inizio era stato pensato e sviluppato un motore raffreddato ad acqua ma non ha soddisfatto i tecnici Honda in fatto di dimensioni e prestazioni. Il motore finale è stato realizzato con un raffreddamento ad olio motore, sia sulla circonferenza del rotore sia attraverso il circuito che passa all’interno dell’albero. Una sottile struttura di resina è stata montata nel motore (rotore/statore) per isolare l’olio di raffreddamento dello statore dal rotore ed eliminare cosi le perdite di derivazione.


IMPLEMENTAZIONE E TEST. Il motore elettrico per essere testato è stato installato nella parte frontale del motore endotermico e collegato ad un cambio a 5 marce (vedi disegno).

I test sono iniziati nell’aprile del 2008 con accelerazioni in pieno rettilineo e poi sono preseguiti sul circuito di Silvestrone nel mese successivo. Ulteriori prove e test sono stati effettuati  nel mese di settembre presso il circuito di Jerez ottenendo i seguenti risultati:

  • I tempi sul giro, con serbatoio pieno, sono stati ridotti di 0,4s a giro

  • Velocità, con l’azione del KERS, aumentata di circa 7 Km/h, con conseguente guadagno di 7,8 m su un rettilineo rispetto ad auto non dotate di KERS

Il progetto finale del motore elettrico destinato all’uso del KERS ha raggiunto una potenza di 7,8 KW (10.46 Cv) per Kg che corrisponde con gli obiettivi che i tecnici della Honda si erano prefissati all’inizio del progetto. L’efficienza/rendimento di picco del motore è stato del 99% ed il picco di efficienza del generatore del 93%. Il peso del motore era di 6,9 Kg.

Il sistema KERS è stato introdotto in F.1 durante la stagione 2009 ed è stato la chiave di alcune vittorie avvenute in quella stagione. Successivamente è stato ritirato dal mondiale di F.1 del 2010 per alcuni problemi nello sviluppo ma verrà introdotto a partire dalla stagione 2011.

Come sappiamo, Honda, ha venduto il team nel 2009 a Ross Brawn ma il progetto del KERS Honda è rimasto nei cassetti e non è stato venduto a nessuno e perciò non è mai stato usato in gara e in nessun tipo di prova in pista.

Friday, 24 December 2010

BMW launched new SUV X1, priced at Rs. 22 to 29.9 Laca, BMW X1 Photos, Images

BMW launched its cheapest and smallest SUV "X1" in India on 23rd December, 2010 in New Delhi. BMW X1 is the youngest member of heavier X3 and X5 family is a compact SUV and will be CKD (completely knocked-down unit) produced in India.

BMW X1 launched in three variants: BMW X1 sDrive18i (petrol), BMW X1 sDrive20d (diesel) and BMW X1 sDrive20d Exclusive (diesel) at a very competitive price startinf grom only Rs. 22 Lakhs and give very tough fight to Honda CRV, Chevrolet Captiva, Ford Endeavour, Mitsubishi Outlander and Toyota Fortuner ranging almost the same price range.

Speaking on the launch Dr. Andreas Schaaf, President, BMW India said,
"The new BMW X1 is a modern vehicle that for the first time brings premium BMW characteristics into the compact vehicle segment. The new BMW X1 sets a benchmark by bringing together features of a Sports Activity Vehicle with spontaneous flexibility and outstanding fuel economy. The new BMW X1 is the perfect vehicle for customers focusing on areas such as leisure activities and lifestyle in their choice of car."

BMW X1 Prices in India:

BMW X1 sDrive18i - Rs. 22 Lakhs
BMW X1 sDrive20d - Rs. 23.90 Lakhs
BMW X1 sDrive20d Exclusive - Rs. 29.90 Lakhs

BMW X1 Exterior Photos:

BMW X1 Interior Photos:

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Mahindra launches Off Roader Thar CRDe, Priced at Rs. 599 Lakhs, Mahindra Thar Photos, Images

Mahindra & Mahindra launched its much awaited 4x4 off-roader "Thar CRDe" in India on 21st December, 2010. The Thar is a manual 4×4 machine coupled with a powerful CRDe engine 77 kw, delivers on power and fuel economy.

Speaking at the launch Mr. Rajesh Jejurikar, Chief Executive, Automotive Division, Mahindra &Mahindra Ltd, said,
“Having realized the potential of this emerging segment of offroad enthusiasts and lifestyle seekers, we have launched the Thar in India. The Thar is an extension of our legacy and what Mahindra stands for. Popular amongst generations of off-road enthusiasts, style seekers and even war-veterans, not many vehicles share the same legendary past and iconic status of the Mahindra Thar.”

Mahindra Thar CDRe Price in India:

Rs. 5.99 Lacs

Mahindra Thar CDRe Photos:

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Aston Martin Sport Cars Green Vantage V12 Race Car

Aston Martin Sport Cars Green Vantage V12 Race Car
It's green - very. This is The Aston Martin Vantage V12 race car is Terrifying and impressive, a well-known brand car that turned into a speed monster, with a design that is really interesting and really cool to make this car really looks cool and amazing. That's not green as in the environmental sense either, as anything with 12 cylinders, a 6.0-litre capacity and 510bhp isn't going to please the tree huggers. The V12 Vantage looks every inch the racing car.
Aston Martin Sport Cars Green Vantage V12 Race Car
Fitted to the squat proportions of the Vantage the aero kit gives this V12 some serious presence. With its deep, punctured front wings, Plexiglas side screens and some serious looking brakes behind the alloy wheels equipped with track rubber, this V12 Vantage demands respect.
There's none of the twitchiness you might expect, the Aston Martin Sport Cars Green Vantage V12 Race Car feeling utterly planted and supremely composed. There's the small issue of manual gear changing, but when the gearbox is so delightfully crisp (and devoid of the ridiculously proportioned gear knob of the road car) and the pedals so perfectly positioned heel-and-toe downshifts are as easy as they come.
Aston Martin Sport Cars Green Vantage V12 Race Car
With entry speeds getting faster and faster, the speed this car can carry through the bends is immense. The track is damp, but the sticky wet race tyres reveal just how compromised even the best road tyres are. There's masses of grip, the traction too is incredible, so the Aston Martin Sport Cars Green Vantage V12 Race Car can use its prodigious power despite the conditions. It's all remarkably easy too, the aerodynamics adding to the Vantage's stability, even in slower speed corners.
The brakes are amazing; with every lap braking can be left later and pushed harder, the Vantage washing off its easily gained speed with zero fuss. Blipping the throttle while doing so and shifting down the manual 'box is a real pleasure, both physically and aurally as each flex of the foot has the V12 flaring up its revs with a glorious sound.
Aston Martin Sport Cars Green Vantage V12 Race Car
We always thought racing cars were edgy, tricky to drive monsters, but quite the reverse is true - indeed compared to the road version on the same track the racecar is an absolute cinch to drive fast. But then this is its natural habitat, yet the evolutionary process to allow it to work so well here is relatively straightforward. It never fails to amaze us how much additional performance can be gained by some tweaked suspension, lower weight, proper tyres and some clever aero kit. Aston Martin Sport Cars Green Vantage V12 Race Car is an impressive road car, but it's also an awesome racecar.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

BMW Sport Cars BMW Flash Concept By Khalfi Oussama

BMW Sport Cars BMW Flash By Khalfi Oussama
The Tunisian Oussama Khalfi designer, has created another concept car with a wider front act to place a powerful system. This is the new " Flash BMW, the car's sporty character and design, can be either V8, V10 or V12 depending on the request by the pilot.
BMW Sport Cars BMW Flash By Khalfi Oussama
BMW Sport Cars BMW Flash Concept By Khalfi Oussama, the interior design is stylish and class and the wheel drive design is 100% sport style, the inspiration behind the flash is the bmw M6. The sporty exterior of the concept vehicle is equally complemented by the rich and lustrous interior that promises to commute the rider in utmost comfort.
BMW Sport Cars BMW Flash By Khalfi Oussama
"After that internet buzz created by my bmw X9 concept, I designed a new concept for my favorite car bmw, I called bmw flash, with her sport look and her large front, it can have a V8 engine or V10 or V12 more. I hope that car fans like it very much and I want to show the world that I cannot stop imagining new ideas I even can’t control my imagination "said, Khalfi Oussama.
BMW Sport Cars BMW Flash By Khalfi Oussama

2010 Lotus Sport Cars T127 Formula One

2010 Lotus Sport Cars T127 Formula One
Lotus has just unveiled its 2010 Formula 1 car, after 15 years one of the most successful names in Formula One returns to the grid with the launch of the Lotus T127. Backed by the Malaysian government, the new Lotus team will field two cars, driven by Jarno Trulli and Heikki Kovalainen. Lotus the T127 will be one of several cars using the latest Cosworth V8 this year.
2010 Lotus Sport Cars T127 Formula One
2010 Lotus Sport Cars T127 Formula One Racing is backed by the Malaysian Government - where Lotus owner Proton is based - securing the rights last year to the team's name and legendary green and yellow colours. Mike Gascoyne, technical chief for the T127, admitted the car was designed very quickly, the team revealing its car mere weeks ahead of the 2010 Bahrain F1 Grand Prix.
The Lotus T127 is powered by a Cosworth engine - another name returning to the sport cars after an extended absence - and will use an Xtrac transmission, in line with all 2010 teams, will be running on Bridgestone tyres.
2010 Lotus Sport Cars T127 Formula One

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Covini Sports Cars C6W Is A Very Special Supercar

Covini Sports Cars C6W Is A Very Special Supercar
Italian car maker Covini Engineering has finally completed their 6-wheeled sports car, and it’s ready for its debut this week. On autshow Bologna, Covini Sports Cars is a very special supercar. The Covini C6W is the world’s first six-wheeled supercar. C6W is an Italian Sports Cars 2-seat, 2-door sports coupé with a removable roof section. The manufacturer of the Covini Sports Cars C6W  announced that the model is ready for production.
Covini Sports Cars C6W Is A Very Special Supercar
Inspiration for the car was taken from the 1976 Tyrrell P34, which had two pairs of smaller front wheels, a principle applied to the C6W. The project was started in 1974 but abandoned shortly after, and left dormant into the 1980s due to the lack of availability of low-profile tires at the time.
Covini are convinced 6 wheels are better than 4. The Italian car maker says the addition of two extra wheels on the front of the vehicle helps improve traction, and the smaller space on the front of the car makes for a reduction in drag, which in turn increases speed.
Covini Sports Cars C6W Is A Very Special Supercar
The manufacturer claims the design produces less understeer than conventional designs, and suspension produces less turbulence from potholes and bumps in the road because of the increased surface area.
Ferruccio Covini, the founder of the company, speaks of comfort and reduced risk of aquaplaning. Additionally, the safety, eg because there is less risk of accidents is a flat tire. About the disadvantages is not much known
Covini Sports Cars C6W Is A Very Special Supercar
The C6W is powered by a rear-mounted 4.2-litre V8 Audi engine with 325kW (433 BHP) and 470Nm of torque. The car features a rear, 4200 cc 8-cylinder engine and the sports car’s has a top speed of 186 mph (299 km/h).The six-speed manual transmission transfers power to the 20in rear wheels. The four front wheels (all 15in) are responsible for the steering. All six wheels feature vented Brembo brake discs.
The body is made of lightweight fibreglass and carbon fibre, leading to an overall vehicle mass of 1150kg.

Monday, 13 December 2010

2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept

2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept
At the 2010 Los Angeles Auto Show also includes the LA Design Challenge, a competition that has asked automotive producers from around the world to create eco-conscious vehicles with a top design that weigh less than 1,000 pounds (454 kg).
In 2010, Nissan launched an innovative LEAF as the first mass production electric vehicle in the world, as well as a beginning for the future vision of zero emissions Nissan. Forward to 2035: electric vehicles and green technology infrastructure which matured into a fully sustainable dream, that brings to life.
2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept
Using industry-leading technology, Nissan iV maximize the driving experience by eliminating excess. Nissan makes deep longing and joy of driving with EV that can offer exciting and strikingly beautiful, fast performance with zero fault.
2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept
Infused with Nissan’s heritage of sports cars and performance, 2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept is a high-performance EV inspired by nature’s intelligent beauty and crafted by human ingenuity. The iV is a super-lightweight sports cars tourer that showcases “organic synthetics,” a revolutionary manufacturing technique in which automotive parts are cultivated like agriculture in a 100% sustainable, carbon-neutral process.
2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept
Every detail is the vehicle uses an interwoven organic frame, that is built from a biopolymer frame which mixes fast-growing ivy and re-enforced with spider silk composite. This allows the frame to be flexible and light, yet ultra-strong.
The 2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept seats four  and features a photo-voltaic rooftop, a slim bio-battery provides stability and regenerative capacitor technology that recoups 60% of kinetic energy spent.
The vehicle is powered by concentric hub-less in-wheel electric motors, which also acts as a suspension and steering, using magnetic levitation and propulsion. Concentric magnetic rings amplify rotation with each outer ring to boost high-speed performance and provide independent wheel control for ultimate handling and maneuverability.
2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept
Nissan’s president Carlos Ghosn has publicly said that the company’s success depends on its ability to develop and deploy electric vehicles that excite the masses. The 2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept is  part of Nissan’s zero emissions future. The Renault/Nissan partnership with Better Place will result in more than 100,000 battery-swap enabled sedans on the road in Israel and Denmark, with cars and charging infrastructure slated for Toronto, Hawaii and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Through superior technology, 2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept maximize the driving experience by eliminating the excess burden. Nissan will meet a deep longing for pleasure driving with beautiful electric car capable of providing satisfactory performance without the need to feel guilty.
2010 Nissan Sports Cars iv Concept